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EXPERIMENTART – A Bet on Authenticity
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In Experience Tourism we value authentic experiences that deviate from the traditional, whether learning something new, experiencing something unusual, savoring the pleasures of the table or playing a leading role in the community's work experiences.

Our experiences are marked by unique sensations, our products and services provide a remarkable experience. Everyone in the world should have the right to see the places they want and see the ones they know from another perspective, but without harming them.


Price range:
12,50€ a 500€
House speciality:
Turismo de Natureza, Lazer Náutico, Visitas Guiadas, Desportos Náuticos / Nature Tourism, Nautical Leisure, Guided Tours, Water Sports
+351 915 067 629
Rua General Fernando de Oliveira, 12 - R/C - Linhaceira
2305-114 Tomar
Website: /